Betty Mahmoody:
" Dear Ture,
Yes, I did receive your fax and no, I didn't just wake up. I do however feel like I've been run over by a truck because after oru discussion, I had difficulty falling back to sleep.
It was a fascinating discussion and I found your concept very emotionally moving and easily imagined. "
- Betty Mahmoody
To the Australia Council for THE ARTS.
" I have invited Mr. Sjolander to come to Michigan to discuss his proposed project on parental abduction of children.
As a result of my work for the past eleven years, in this area I am very interested to see Mr. Sjolander move forward with his project which will undoubtedly raise awareness and stir emotions which could help prevent this tragedy and abuse to children."
- Betty Mahmoody
To Pan Mac Millan Publishers.
" I would like to introduce you to Mr. Ture Sjolander. He is a Swedish citizen, living in Australia. For the past 3 1/2 years Mr. Sjolander, who is a world renown artist, has put his life on hold while he has worked full time trying to recover his son who was abducted to the Philippines by his (the child's) mother.
Through the tragedy that disrupted Mr. Sjolander's life, he has acquired a passion for the issue of international parental child abduction and believes that he has a revolutional concept to present.
He has peaked my interest and I have invited Mr. Sjolander to come to Michigan to discuss his proposed project. "
- Betty Mahmoody
(Letter from Peter Lindsay, MP)
Federal Member for Herbert.
Monday July 21, 1997.
Dear Mr. Sjolander,
I was very interested to hear from you regarding Mrs Betty Mahmoody's expression of interest to visit Townsville for a symposium on the issue of Domestic Violence and Parental-Child Abduction.
As you are aware, I am extremely interested and concerned about these issues and I believe that many community organisations would benefit from a visit by such a courageous woman.
Unfortunately, I would be unable to assist you in organising Mrs Mahmoody's visit, but I will support you should such event take place in the near future.
I wish you every success in realising such an important event in Townsville.
Please don't hesitate to contact myself or one of my staff members if you have any further queries.
Yours sincerely,
Peter J Lindsay MP
Member for Herbert
Ref: 97071066