VATICAN 94/01/21
Halmstad Sweden
Jag har äntligen fått napp i fallet
Sjölander. Genom bekanta togs kontakter i Filippinerna och någon har sänt mig
följande rader, som jag återger i facsimile.
Meddelandet var inte undertecknat och
det fanns ingen avsändare. Men å andra sidan hade jag förklarat för min
mellanhand att jag först och främst var intresserad av information om hur pojken
har det. Jag föredrar att inte veta hans eller moderns adress, så jag inte blir
inblandad i någon rättsprocess. Dessutom menar jag att det viktigaste är att
fadern får information om sin sons väbefinnande.
Jag skall försöka att sända nya signaler
via samma kanal och be om att få ett regelbundet meddelande - säg
åtminstone en gång om året - om att pojken fortfarande har det bra. Kanske kan
jag få någon att sända ett fotografi också.
Det här är så pass långt som jag lyckats
komma och det lär inte gå att komma längre på detta
Med hjärtlig
fax nummer: 00939-6-6988
" I talked with the
Filipino Uncle of the boy Matu Kung af Paulus Jezreel Sjolander today, January
3, 1994 and was informed that the boy is in good health and is currently living
with his mother outside the Philippines. The uncle for the boy further remarked
that if something is not alright with the boy he will surely know about
Although no picture of the boy can be provided to me,
he is very confident that the boy is perfectly fine with the
Report from investigation February
" Mrs. Sjolander is staying at the
residence of her brother-in-law, who is a Doctor by the name of Dr. De Asis. His
residence is very near the beach. The family has the boy, Matu, staying at a
different location, which is very isolated and about 300 yds from an airport.
Matu seems to be at this "Airport location" the majority of the time, while Mrs.
Sjolander, keeps moving from one place to another. Most of the time she spends
at the beach with her brother-in-law. "
" The good news of all of this is that
Counter Intelligence in the Philippines has now realized that both Subjects are,
in fact, in Roxas City illegally and they have obviously paid off the police and
Immigration to further their conspiracy. "
" Also enclosed, you will see a copy of
a photograph of our Client, Ture Sjolander. The actual photograph is being sent
to me by Federal Express at this moment. There are three (3) hired killers ("Hit
men"), I repeat, three (3) killers already paid by Joseph Acevedo to kill Mr.
Sjolander and/or anyone representing or investigating on his behalf. All three
(3) have been supplied with actual photographs, obviously cut from a family
photograph, and not supplied by our Client, newspapers or any other
" I have also told you, we are working
with the highest levels of Philippine Counter-Intelligence. Fortunately, one of
the "Hit Men" is a double agent, who sells information to